Discover how the Atlanta Police Department leveraged Peregrine to reduce their violent crime by 19%Watch now


One platform powering
better information

Peregrine is the first and only real-time decision and operations management platform for Public Safety agencies.

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Built for human-centric missions to solve the hardest problems in Public Safety.

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Connect decisions & operations
in one place.

Find everything in a single platform.

Integrate any data from any system, and leverage universal search to discover information that was previously unattainable — in minutes, not days.

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Answer complex questions faster.

Visualize and interpret information to answer complex questions, and respond to events as they happen — in real-time.

Power new ways of operating.

Drive outcomes with advanced decision-making capabilities. Improve operations and implement new strategies faster to maximize efficiency.

Build groundbreaking collaboration networks.

Connect with other Public Safety organizations, share mission-critical information with fine-grained permissions, and build new collaboration networks.

build groundbreaking

Support your community with Peregrine.

Law enforcement agencies need a data analytics platform that is flexible enough to support each agency’s specific mission and deliver meaningful solutions to their unique challenges. This is especially true in today’s environment where data-driven decision making plays a key role in public safety.

Peregrine provides law enforcement agencies with a powerful platform with intuitive applications that enable personnel to make informed, data-driven decisions based on real-time insights.

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Working better together.

Peregrine empowers organizations to respond faster and more efficiently, ensuring the safety of their communities while reducing costs. With our solutions, law enforcement will gain greater control over their day-to-day operations through automated workflows and improved collaboration between departments with a common operating picture — giving them the resources they need for successful outcomes. Leverage Peregrine’s data analytics platform now and experience smarter policing for your community.